Executive Regulations Terms and Conditions of Payment via Credit/Debit Card Terms and Conditions of Payment via Credit/Debit Card (MasterCard – Visa Card – Meeza)

By clicking “Agree” or using our online services, you agree to this agreement and the content of any link in this agreement regarding online payment services (“Agreement”). By clicking “Agree” or accessing our online payment system (“System”), you are legally bound by this agreement as you have read and understood it. You must exit now if you do not agree to any of the terms contained in this agreement. In this agreement, the words “you” and “your” refer to you as an individual, and the words “we,” “the company,” and “our” refer to the Egyptian Company for E-commerce Technology (MTS). You may print a copy of this agreement and keep it for future reference.

These terms and conditions apply to your payment of financial obligations for all services provided through the platform by credit cards. We may amend these terms and conditions at any time, and these amended terms and conditions apply to you from the date of their publication on the electronic portal of the platform. It is your responsibility to review these terms and conditions before making any payment transaction through the electronic portal of the platform. We may change the collection fees imposed on electronic payment services through the electronic portal at any time under notice published on the electronic portal of Garden Flowers Trading Company. General Information You can pay using credit or debit cards (MasterCard – Visa Card – Meeza), and you must use your credit/debit card in the payment process for all services. Please note that making any payment using another person’s credit/debit card is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.

You are solely responsible for understanding and complying with all laws, regulations, and legislation related to the jurisdiction to which you are subject regarding online payment services.

Compensation You agree to indemnify us for any losses, costs, or expenses (“Losses”) we may incur due to your breach of any of these terms and conditions or related to them.

Chargeback of Paid Amounts This policy applies to all fee collection and payments made electronically through the electronic portal using credit or debit cards (MasterCard – Visa Card – Meeza), whether inside or outside the Arab Republic of Egypt. Paid amounts cannot be refunded through the electronic payment service using credit or debit cards through the electronic portal once the deduction of the amount from the credit/debit card and the due amount for the requested service have been successfully completed.

Disclaimer of Third-Party Applications You agree to the following: Despite our terms and conditions and privacy policy, you acknowledge and accept that personal information and credit/debit card details provided by you during the payment process (“Personal Information”) will be forwarded to a third-party processor independently for the purpose of completing the electronic payment process. You acknowledge and accept that the transfer and use of personal information by the third-party processor do not constitute a breach of our terms and conditions and privacy policy, and hereby waive and release us, our directors, employees, agents, and successors from any and all claims of any kind (including, without limitation, actual, consequential, incidental, and punitive damages, as well as attorney fees and costs, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages) directly or indirectly related to your use of the electronic payment portal and any deduction operation carried out and use of personal information. You need additional information about the electronic payment process through the electronic portal or confirmation of the payment process. Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction This agreement is subject to the laws of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and any dispute arising regarding the interpretation or implementation of this agreement shall be within the jurisdiction of the competent courts of Cairo, regardless of their degrees and types.